zaterdag 14 september 2013

What people say

There’s a power that very few people know how to harness—David Morehouse knows the way. He can teach it to anyone with the will and desire to learn. Anthony Robbins, Author of Awaken the Giant Within & Unlimited Power 

Through his pioneering work with Remote Viewing, David Morehouse is mapping the future of consciousness in the west, a merging of scientific rigor and spiritual possibility that anyone can access.
Deepak Chopra, Author of How to Know God

David Morehouse has shown us how a tool made for war can become a path of spiritual transformation.  He has shown the courage to walk in the way of peace.

Don Miguel Ruiz, Author of The Four Agreements
Remote Viewing is real, David Morehouse is real, and you should let both be a new beginning for you.  Let your soul open up as broad as the night sky of the universe; and let it strengthen you. Trust wht you hear from David Morehouse because he is living his life to transform this planet.  I am very much a believer in the nature and power of the Remote Viewing training that David gives to people, and I know of the empowerment of his message.  His message is about taking control of our own destiny, individual and collective; it is about taking responsibility for our own lives; it is about living rightly and in integrity so that we might empower others to make the right decisions at the right times.  David is masterfully creating the ability for his students to appreciate and understand the multidimensional nature of this existence and their role in it, using a non local perspective of the universe, a quantum perspective embracing the science of the spirit.
Dannion Brinkley, Author/ Lecturer, “Saved by the Light” 

Perhaps as a result of my profession in technology strategies and my educational background (when I did my Master’s Degree in Management Science it focused largely on the quantitative analytic process), I tend to be skeptical and want to see proof. However, I also always endeavor to not make up my mind prematurely.  Although the progression from skepticism to believing that Remote Viewing might actually be possible is a big one, the step from believing in it to knowing that Remote Viewing works based on one’s own experience is the real key.

As anyone who has experienced Remote Viewing first hand knows, it allows us to gather information from targets that are distant in time and space. If we take this as a given, then it is only logical that it can be used to gain insight into other questions, even those of a very personal nature. As a result Remote Viewing can be used as a tool for self discovery, increased awareness, transformation of self and even to effect a transformation of the world around us.

Just as the businessman or police detective who has run out of new ideas or leads to follow up might use Remote Viewing, so too spiritual searchers who are looking for clues can use Remote Viewing. I experienced the discovery of these clues and the resulting heightened awareness of self and environment and have seen and learned things about myself and the world around me that I believe I would otherwise never know.

And it is not just inward looking sessions that can have a profound effect, when you experience your consciousness existing in two (or more) places simultaneously your concept of the nature of our own existence cannot help but be somehow altered. Not every Remote Viewer feels ready for these revelations, or the resulting transformations, when they happen, but they are experiences that few, if any, Remote Viewers ever regret.
David Hughes, Vice President Technology Strategies—Sony and David Morehouse Master Remote Viewing Graduate 

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